Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Anniversary Okanagan Pizza!

Well we have officially hit our One year anniversary on Saturday Feb 16/2013.  It has been quite the year since we took over Okanagan Pizza (formally OKPIZZA).  It has been a lot of work changing the pizza into something we can really call ours!  We have been very busy trying to make the absolute best crust we can produce.  With all of the struggles with our previous ways of cooking our pizza on a screen, we decided to change to a pan pizza in Sept.  Our customers have given us incredible feedback on the changes.  The change took us from having a very crispy crust that tended to get tough when it started to cool, to a crust that is nicely thick and very soft and chewy! 

Although the crust is one of the most important qualities in producing a great pizza, almost as important is a great sauce!  We have had a lot of fun testing sauce recipes. A good sauce should have tons of flavor and still taste fresh.  We have consumed many, MANY pizzas trying to perfect our sauce and I think we are getting there! ;)

Being a VERY BIG cheese lover, I feel obligated to say you can't have a good pizza without a great cheese.  We found qualities in our old cheese that didn't enjoy, so We contacted a new distributor and had a Cheese Taste off.  Testing multiple pizza mozzarella's against the old variety and found one we are very happy with. We have been and will be testing many different cheese combinations this year to see if we can find a truly unique taste combination.  I think I might like that part! 

We want to thank everyone for all of your support in the last year!  We really appreciate all of your business and we will try to keep our end up by making you the best pizza kelowna has to offer!

We offer pizza delivery in kelowna to most areas, including UBCO, Quail Ridge, Country Rhodes, Ellison, Rutland, Glenmore, and downtown. Located at 104-3699 Commercial Drive (1 block south of Reids Corner)